Whitney Jones, 3x Ms. Fitness Olympia, now CB Athlete


Eric Sharp

November 5, 2021

3x Ms. Fitness Olympia, Whitney Jones, becomes a full supporter of CB Supplements as a CB Athlete. She introduced our multi collagen during her 2021 Olympia prep and feels it was a game changer and crucial part of her training.

Second chances are the best.

Whitney Jones, 3x Ms. Fitness Olympia, had almost given up on collagen supplements. She’d taken them for years with little to no benefit, and was about to walk away completely.

Many collagen supplements are fluff and don’t do anything they advertise. I’ve tried over 50 brands! There’s a lot of crap out there. Whitney Jones

Then, she stumbled upon CB Supplements multi collagen after hearing Charlie’s collagen testimonial, observing our dedication to quality by offering the first and only NSF certified multi collagen, and decided to give collagen just one more shot.

Boy, are we glad she did!

Whitney Jones Collagen Testimonial

After taking single-source collagen for years, the ingredients of a multi collagen protein made an immediate impact. She felt a difference within just a few days — as most athletes do after taking collagen.

She even credits our products in helping her become the 3x Ms. Fitness Olympia!

Whitney Jones Collagen Testimonial

We are thrilled to be working alongside Whit to spread the good news of collagen’s benefits and continue helping her care for her body so it’s performance-ready!

Learn more about Whitney Jones:

  • FitWhitJones.com
  • WJClassic.com – An NPC national qualifying competition put on by Whitney herself, giving athletes a chance to shine on the local stage and continue their journey on the national stage.

Thanks for being here!

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The Highest Quality Multi Collagen Protein Powder

Collagen protein is a super-food that has delivered stunning health to our grandmothers and our caveman ancestors.

Made from the highest quality sources; grass-fed pasture raised beef, wild-caught fish, cage free chickens, and eggshell membrane.

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Board-certified, 20+ year M.D., Biochemist. NY Times bestselling author of Fatburn Fix, Deep Nutrition, & Food Rules

CB Supplements Multi Collagen Protein Powder
The first & only multi collagen peptides NSF Certified. Approved by NY Times Best Selling Author, Dr. Cate M.D.