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Current MiLB & Former MLB Players now Partners at CB Supplements


Eric Sharp

June 24, 2020

We've set sights on being one of the best multi collagen protein supplement companies in the world. But, we realize it's going to take more than a quality product — we also need quality people to help us get there. We're honored and ecstatic to announce that Kole Enright (current MiLB player with the Texas Rangers) and Slade Heathcott (former MLB player with the New York Yankees & Oakland A's) have joined the CB Supplements family as partners.

MLB announced just yesterday they’re playing a shortened 60-game season.


But, we have our own MLB news to share. One current MiLB player and one former MLB player has joined the team.

Even more awesome!

We’re excited to officially announce Kole Enright and Slade Heathcott have become partners at CB Supplements.

Both of these guys are not only stand up professionals on the field but also stand up individuals and family men off the field. They both have stories of adversity and then perseverance — a trait at CB Supplements we find redeeming and authentic.

It was of no surprise that the entire CB Supp team gravitated to these guys from the moment we spoke the words:

You like Multi Collagen, too?

Well, maybe that wasn’t the FIRST thing said — but, it was something along those lines. 🙂

This strategic partnership is one of a few critical actions we’ve put in motion in 2020 in effort to be the leader of NSF certified multi collagen supplements.

The Cleanest & Safest Multi Collagen in the World

NSF Certified for Sport Multi Collagen Logo

"I feel confident I am taking the best product and my joints thank me everyday!"

- Mike Freeman

Here’s a little about Kole & Slade.

Kole Enright

Instagram: @koleenright


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A post shared by Kole (@koleenright)

Why he joined

I joined CB supplements because as an athlete supplementation is crucial for me to perform at an elite level day in and day out. CB has the best product, period. I do believe we’ll be impacting the collagen world for years to come!Kole Enright

In the news

Slade Heathcott

Instagram: @slade.heathcott

Why he joined

In 2014, after Dr. Andrews (the leading sport surgeon in the world) told me my career was over, I refused to give up. That’s when I read Dr. Cate’s book “Deep Nutrition”. Hard work, dedication, and pure grit all played a part in me achieving my goal. My biggest challenge though was starting healthy, figuring out a way to quit having joint and tendons issues. I contribute bone collagen as a huge factor in staying healthy in my last few years of playing. I joined CB Supplements because I wanted to be a part of something that helped achieve my own dreams, so that I can help others achieve theirs.Slade Heathcott

In the news

What’s next?

Both Kole and Slade are working their way into the day-to-day operations, getting an understanding of CB Supplements’ goals, audience, challenges, and finding ways to help.

As aforementioned, we’ll have some more news coming out soon that’ll help paint a clearer and broader picture of why we decided to partner with these 2 professional athletes. Be on the lookout for that announcement in the next 30-60 days.

But until then, follow them on Instagram and get to know these two guys!

Thanks for being here!

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