Charlie guest on Be Organic Podcast


Eric Sharp

September 23, 2021

A special shout out to our friends at Clean Juice for inviting Charlie on their podcast, Be Organic. Charlie covers the whole spectrum of collagen – why it's good, what it is/isn't, why it's sometimes misunderstood, where it belongs in your diet, and so much more. Listen to the show right here!

Charlie had the pleasure of chatting with Kat and Landon, founders of Clean Juice, and the minds behind the weekly podcast, Be Organic. In the podcast, Charlie covers what collagen is (and isn’t) and answers some burning questions about how collagen stacks up against other proteins.

Per their website:

Founders Kat and Landon chat with top functional medicine doctors, holistic gurus, and health trendsetters on living your life organically, from your nutrition, lifestyle and wellness practices.

This episode is called The Ins + Outs of Collagen. If you know Charlie or anyone on the CB Team, you know we relish any opportunity to talk about the benefits of collagen peptide supplments. We’ll shout it from the rooftops 24/7, podcast or not! Whether you’ve learned the best way to take collagen in some form or another, or don’t even know what collagen is, we think you’ll learn something new in this conversation with Kat and Landon.

Here’s the show’s overview:

Listen & learn all about collagen – is it good for you? Bad for you? Supplements are not a quick fix-all. Start with food, diet, and then supplement if necessary. We’ve brought in Charlie Bailes, a husband, dad of 3, a crossfitter, a health nut, and most importantly – a collagen expert. We hope to tackle the ins & outs of collagen and how it could help you.

Thanks to Kat and Landon for the opportunity to chat about all things collagen. Here’s Charlie’s interview on Be Organic (see notes below for topics discussed):

Listen to the episode

Topics discussed:

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