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Our Belief: Get Nutrition from Food First, then Supplement


Eric Sharp

February 21, 2021

You don't hear this often from a supplement company: get your nutrition from food first, THEN supplement. But, it's the absolute right thing to recommend — even if your company sells supplements. Here's why we believe you should rely on food for your nutritional needs and then supplement to fill in the gaps.

Eat whole unprocessed foods first, supplement second.

This is pretty simple, folks.

I would much rather someone drink bone broth every day than take our supplement.Charlie, Founder

More from Charlie: My Thoughts on How to Eat

Whole unprocessed foods will always dominate and be superior to manufactured supplements. Yes, all supplements. Even our own NSF Certified for Sport® multi collagen that’s had it’s purity tested and certified by one of the best Life Sciences labs in the country!

A supplement company telling you to NOT supplement?

Well, sort of, but we know what you’re thinking.

Why would a supplement company go on record saying to not take supplements?

Yes, this is unconventional thinking, but our holistic mission here isn’t to sell supplements. It’s to help people become healthier.

Do we think our multi collagen protein supplements can be part of that equation? Absolutely. Do we think it’s a silver bullet to health? Absolutely not.

You can consume collagen from 4 food groups, so there’s plenty of options here to obtain copious amounts of collagen via food before grabbing a supplement. If you do go the supplement route, here’s how much collagen you need daily.

What Foods Contain Collagen?
Get collagen from food when you can!

So, why do we sell collagen supplements?

Knowing you can get collagen from 4 food groups is both good and bad news.

If you don’t want to be a strict bone-on-meat carnivore, eat cow hearts, poach eggs, or drink broth every day (we love the Kettle & Fire brand) — maybe it’s time to supplement with 2-3 scoops of multi collagen protein powder every day.

We also realize that life sometimes, er, many times, can get in the way of eating healthy all day every day. Sometimes a scoop of collagen in your morning coffee (collagen coffee recipe), a quick protein smoothie (collagen smoothie & shake recipes), or some collagen-infused oatmeal chocolate chip cookies is exactly what you need to power through the day.

We’re not idealists here, we get it. Life needs these conveniences. And we’re here to support that lifestyle.

We’re here to help

CB Supplements Multi Collagen Protein Powder Store
We’re always focused on quality — product, education, and customer appreciation!

If you’re like the rest of us and need help adding collagen into your diet, give us a try. We have 2 lines:

  1. Every Day – The tastiest multi collagen with the biggest variety
  2. NSF Certified Multi Collagen – First and only multi collagen NSF certified

You’ll be consuming products from a company founded on premium product, education, and customer appreciation (see our 3 Founding Pillars).

Thanks for being here!

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Do you love collagen as much as we do? Looking for collagen-specific recipes?


Healthy + Protein-packed

50+ Collagen Recipes

CB Supplements Multi Collagen Protein Powder

The Highest Quality Multi Collagen Protein Powder

Collagen protein is a super-food that has delivered stunning health to our grandmothers and our caveman ancestors.

Made from the highest quality sources; grass-fed pasture raised beef, wild-caught fish, cage free chickens, and eggshell membrane.

Our multi collagen is a powerful food that maintains digestive health, aides sleep, boosts the immune system, supports bones and joints, strengthens hair/skin/nails, and much more!


Continental US only

Dr. Cate Approved Collagen Supplement

Board-certified, 20+ year M.D., Biochemist. NY Times bestselling author of Fatburn Fix, Deep Nutrition, & Food Rules

CB Supplements Multi Collagen Protein Powder
The first & only multi collagen NSF Certified, approved by NY Times Best Selling Author, Dr. Cate M.D.